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Re-invent your brand with 20 uncomfortable questions

By 5th May 2023February 13th, 2024No Comments
Re-invent your brand with 20 uncomfortable questions

Reflection upon your business is just as important as self-reflection but it’s just as difficult too. When operating a business, it’s so easy to get distracted and lose focus on why you started, because you are so busy juggling a never-ending list of tasks. We find that major problems can occur when your business is also your passion project. It can be difficult to make decisions with your head as opposed to your heart. If your business is not where you want it to be financially or aesthetically or heading in the wrong direction. Here’s how to re-invent your brand with 20 uncomfortable questions:


What aspect of your business do you not invest enough time into but know you really should?

Whatever you write here, you need to make this your first priority for the foreseeable on your checklist to re-invent your brand, as it’s your first red flag.


What is something people often constructively give feedback on about your business, but you never make the change?

If you’ve seen the same thing flag up in reviews, messages or comments, you need to make the change. Or, if you feel you’re not getting any constructive feedback, then you’re not sending out enough reviews or speaking to your audience enough.


Whose brand do you think is like yours, but better?

Don’t choose a high-profile or global competitor, pick another business in your lane that you think has an edge on you. If you don’t know any, you should and you should be consistently using them as inspiration to re-invent your brand. 


Taking budget out of the equation, what is the main marketing problem in your business?

Business owners often blame a restricted budget for changes not being made but a lot of the time it is just time, productivity, initiative and graft that could make the change without spending the cash. 


Are you getting to where you want to be, or have you stagnated?

If you’re consistently moving forwards then you are making progress, if you sometimes must take a few steps back, then this means you’re trying but if you’re not moving in either direction, there’s a problem you need to identify. 


What tasks do you accept that you are not very good at and should outsource to a professional?

Work out how much your time costs and if you can afford to pay a professional the same, then do it, so you can focus on the parts of your business you are superb at. This will help you re-invent your brand quite seamlessly.


Do you often eye-roll at new enquiries?

If so, you’re not attracting the right clients and projects. Your brand, aesthetics or marketing is not conveying the right message.


Do you regret some of the staff you employed?

Having the correct people to help you to grow your business and represent is super important, hiring & firing is tough especially if you are the business owner and HR person, but time needs to be invested here in order to successfully begin the process to re-invent your brand.


Should you spend more time giving staff further training and development?

It’s not about budget with this one, as there are so many FREE and inexpensive courses out there. It also comes down to time, are you spending the time with your staff that they need to learn from you and grow? 


Do you honestly think where you are headed is achievable?

If you don’t, there’s a problem. Passion and self-belief is your biggest driver, no goal, big or small should feel unobtainable. 


 Is it all worth it?

Are you fulfilled? Do you get the time to do the things you want to do? Mindset is everything, your business will bring you stress but it also needs to bring you fulfillment. 


Are you really expressing your creativity?

Or are you just coasting in whatever part of your business makes you money? Chasing your passions will bring you wealth, chasing money will ultimately bring you disappointment. If you can find a balance, perfect.


What’s the most vulnerable aspect of your business?

Describe its weaknesses then look at how you can combat them


What is your favourite thing about your business, and do you think that it’s clear to your audience/customers?

If you don’t think it is, you need to showcase it, and make content that highlights it. 


Is it clear to people what you are selling?

If aspects of your website, socials, ads, branding or general business confuse you, then they will certainly be confusing others too.


Have you narrowed your audience by only tailoring your business to your own tastes and preferences?

This often happens with passion projects. Yes, your brand/business needs to reflect you, but it can’t be super niche, eclectic and unusual as you lose out on potential customers. Positioning is everything. 


Are ALL your graphics, fonts, colour scheme and images coherent across your website, socials, and marketing collateral? 

Tripple-check them all, and you’ll find an inconsistency somewhere. If you’re aware of many inconsistencies, a deleting purge, brand refresh, or some time scheduled to make amendments needs to be booked in your diary. This is quite a therapeutic exercise almost like a de-clutter and clear out before you begin the journey to re-invent your brand.


Is your checkout process seamless and optimised for your customers?

If you’re aware your checkout process is a little clunky, not optimised with add-ons, and abandoned cart emails then you need to amend this with alternative fast payment methods and other optimisation plug-ins. 


Are you on the right social platforms?

If you were going to look for your own product, are you in the place you would go to look? If you’re a home décor business, do you have all your products pinned to Pinterest? If you’re a service-based business, do you have a YT channel to highlight and explain your services in video format? Switching up your social priorities and tapping into new audiences is a great way to start to re-invent your brand.


If you started your brand again from scratch today – what would you do differently?

We’re talking branding, logo, website, position in the market, products or services, what would you change? Think long and hard about this one, as whatever flags up needs to be looked at and refreshed in your business. If you think it should be different, then your customers or potential customers likely do too. This is probably the most important and complex question required to re-invent your brand. 


If you want further help to re-invent your brand or feel you have a lot you need to work on for your business and need some help and guidance, talk to us, we’re happy to help!